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Who Can Join?

Who can be a Member (with voting rights)

  • The named person (or persons) on the Parish Council lease for the stated plot provided they are 18+

  • Fee: £10 per year



How to join!

Download a membership form by clicking on the following:   Watery Lane Allotment Association Membership 2023

It can be handed to any committee member together with you fee. Payment can be made by cash or cheque (made payable to Watery Lane Allotment Association).

Why join the Association


The Association is run on a totally voluntary basis, promoting the interests of plot holders and working towards making improvements to the site. Supporting the Association through becoming a member gives you the right to vote on issues raised at the AGM and any other members meetings. The more plot holders that become members the more representative the Association becomes.

The vast majority of the work done at the site since the inception of the Association has been by volunteering members. Work has only been paid for when machinery was essential. If you feel able to volunteer in this way please contact a committee member (List of the members can be found on the Allotment Notice Board or on the following page (LINK TO PAGE)


Contact Sue directly by clicking email icon below.

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