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Rat Issues

Reduction of Rat Infestations

You may be aware we have had an increase of the number of rat sightings and an increase in the size of the rats.

We have contacted Codsall Parish Council for support in reducing the numbers, we are currently awaiting a response.

You can also support the reduction of rats within the allotment and your personal plot by following the below information.


Remove food sources

Keep food secure in rodent-proof containers (metal tins) such as seeds, and don't leave out excess food or discarded fruit and vegetables. Harvest fruit and vegetables promptly, and don't feed birds or other animals at your plot. Do Not place any cooked food produce into your compost bins as this increases the risk of rat visitation.


Remove shelter

Clear away clutter and rubbish, and remove outside shelters like old fences, and wood piles. Pile wood and other stored items at least 18 inches above the ground. Ensure any materials they can use for bedding are removed such as hessian sacks and anti - weed membrane.


Secure structures

Build sheds on slab bases, and seal holes and repair broken access points. 

Remove water sources

Rats can't survive without water, so remove other sources of water, such as ensuring water butts have lids and are not leaking.


Turn compost regularly

Turn the contents of your compost bin at least twice per year to disturb any rats. Line plastic compost bins with a small gauge wire mesh at the base or place them on paving slabs to prevent rats burrowing underneath.


Thank you for your support in completing the above.


Kind regards

The Allotment Committee.​​​


Crime Events

  • If you should sustain a theft from your plot (produce or equipment), this needs to be reported to the police via 101 and a crime number will be provided to you.

  • Please share the crime number with the allotment secretary via email to:

  • We will share any crimes reported to the police with the Parish Council.


       Thank you for your assistance.

        Claire (Secretary)

Volunteers Needed

  • Volunteers Needed Urgently

  • Toilet Rota

  • Are you able to spare 15 mins to support with the cleaning of the allotment toilet and area.

  • Names will be added to a monthly rota, so you won’t be expected to do it weekly.

  • Please inform the secretary via the email below if you can contribute to this:-



  • Working Group

  • The committee would also like to set up a working group to support with the planting and growing of the plants which we then sell.

  • The cost of sales go towards reduced cost of products purchased for sale and the continuous upkeep of equipment.

  • We are also raising funds for a second poly tunnel to enable more members to have the opportunity to use this throughout the year.



Community Garden_edited.jpg




  • We would like to improve communication with yourselves and the allotment committee. We are aware that members use different forms of communication.

  • We are aiming to provide information via, email, facebook and website via the members allotted section, please ask committee members for the password. 

  • FaceBook: Friends of Watery Lane Allotments

  • Email:

  • Please let the committee know if you wish your method of communication to be via email.

  • Email your plot number, name and email to the above email address.

  • Generic and Non GDPR information will also be shared on the notice board.

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